Friday, August 6, 2010

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The five lost aunts of Harriet Bean - Review of Farfallina

The five lost aunts of Harriet Bean Alexander McCall Smith
Ed Salani necklace Gl'istrici

publication date: 2007

Una bambina di nove anni che si chiama Harriet va in cerca delle sue cinque zie paterne che non ha mai incontrato. Per trovarle prima si è fa raccontare dal papà tutta la storia delle sue sorelle. Seguendo le indicazioni del padre, insieme a lui inizia la ricerca delle zie perdute. One day they go to the circus knew where to find her aunt Veronica, who certainly has a very special caravan that goes to the pedals. Then Aunt Harriet and Veronica go to the theater in search Harmonic aunt who was a replacement actress. Harmonic Zia knew that Aunt Majolica was a teacher in a school and then go there to meet. Majolica Zia knew that his aunts Japonica and Thessalonika did the detective agency, and then go there and find them.

Once assembled all the aunts is also finished the painting with the portrait of a family began many years ago.

I particularly liked the chapter where he said that Harriet Aunt Veronica had a trailer on the pedals.

I recommend it to anyone who wants to read a funny story.


This book can be found in the children section of the Municipal Library of Pordenone


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