Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Best Wording For Three Year Old Costume Party

AUGURIIIII !!!!! 11-



Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Is A Jock Lock Wegie

In attesa del Natale

Waiting for Christmas here are some activities that they can play especially with younger children.

Female Rashes On Tigh

Crea il tuo mandala natalizio

If you want an original mandala for the next party you can create by applying Create Mandala which is located at Baby Flash site. After you select the person who simply prefer to move the mouse in the background until you get a design that satisfies you. You can then print and color your mandala. And if you do not know what a mandala click here.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Gay Cruise Spots In Dallas

Tenerife Island Tenerife Island Lancon Shorebreak

Photo: Anna Massari
Text: Andrea Reedy

Lancon Shorebreak

At last the sun returns and the swell of the North ' island of Tenerife ...
wake up at dawn as usual and saw fit to decide the best option is Lancon

There is a meter long wind down pretty good for this spot .. ..

rod as it descends to Lancon

The spot works only at low tide, but also in the morning to let us decide who is the principal of '
high tide ..
To go down in the bay, it takes a good 40 minutes.

Los Patos

We descend along the bananas on a trail overlooking the bay of Los Patos. Here
Bay with beautiful waves of low tide, but that works better in the summer

Bay Lancon from

In the fall scenery is spectacular ... waves crashing on the shore clear
blown by the wind of land that forms on the puffy rainbow
The fresh air and morning brings out strong colors. .

Waves Los Patos

Rainbow wave

To get to the spot then you must make a narrow, steep staircase refurbishment recently after
that a boy is dead ..
Then he jumps in spiaggia e per arrivare al wedge di Lancon bisogna aspettare la Bassa marea..
perchè l'acqua arriva fino in cima alla Baia sugli scogli e non si può valicare un grosso scoglio..

Lo spot è poco frequentato proprio a causa delle difficili condizioni,
della lunga camminata,e del pericolo di caduta massi..

Ma oggi mi riserva una sorpresa..

Nonostante l'altissima marea,si è formata una secca dal lato opposto della baia,
uno shorebreak in battigia,tubante da paura..

 Lancon Shorebreak

I look at it in disbelief for 5 minutes and then I launch into the surf for two hours and a half ..

Below the pictures of the shore break

After having surfed the waves, perhaps more Holiday entertaining and taking in the incredible barrel
of shoreline and lunch time ..
oh yes if you bring a drink and not come back here to eat at home ..

begins to lower the tide, and so access is easy.
climb over the rock in the center bay and this is the real wave of Lancon .. A wedge
perfect even if today is not huge ..
Onda Tubantia right and beautiful for aerial maneuvers

pity that Anna now has not really want to do and photo shoot at me ..
Fa photos taken by the colors, or anywhere reads the book ..
When she finally decides henceforth the tide is too low and will see the penultimate picture,
the rocks out of the water and it's time to get out ..

Below is a bit 'of photos of Lancon Wedge

 Pericoloso scoglio dopo lo slash

Cosi dopo esserci goduto un rilassante tramonto nella solitudine 
e silenziosa baia,
è l'ora di risalire la lunga scogliera..

Puerto de la Cruz vista da Lancon al tramonto be continued