Friday, December 3, 2010

Best Weaves For Vacation

10-Fetina, Las America

Foto:Annalisa Massari
Testo:Andrea Cannavò

Ancora pioggia al Nord e mare piatto..unica soluzione
hope the swell from the south

Fetina-las America

And so it was ...
2 days of great swell from the South even with so many people at sea
and above water at 28 degrees and as many out ..

Las America

Here I find our friend Bodyboarder
Silvia Marinelli is already in the water to make 360 \u200b\u200b..

Silvia Marinelli

Silvia in 360

This spot is a reef and works with almost all swell, but
especially if coming from the SE is the only one that works really well ..
Depending on the swell is more beautiful than the right or the left ..
If it goes to when it is virtually a-frame .. Here in Las
america then there are other spots 6-7 with the most famous English left
or better Esquierda .. Left powerful and a hundred yards long ..

Girl surfer

Il bello di qui poi è che surfa chiunque e ci sono molte ragazze in mare..

Qui sotto un po' di scatti della 2 Giorni alla Fetina..

Silvia Sequenze

Silvia Sequenze

Canna Slash

Canna Sequenza Floater

Canna Sequenza Floater

Canna Sequenza Floater

Canna Sequenza Floater

Canna Sequenza Floater

Andrea Cannavò DK

Canna Set

Canna super set

Reed Rollo

Canna Floaterino

Silvia 360 and exits

Canna sets dk

Canna Slash

rod all versions

At the end of these two days we are burned by sun ..

...... To Be Continued


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