Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ariel And Eric Costume

The Odd Couple

Vianello Monello e Cicciuzzo Sconciaforni sul set
Vianello Monello e Cicciuzzo Sconciaforni hanno girato in segreto il loro primo film insieme. "E' il mio seicentesimo lungometraggio - rivela il pornoattore rodigino - e volevo che fosse qualcosa di speciale. Lo lanceremo con un grande evento pubblico, the first flash mob in piazza Vittorio Emanuele erotic, during which I will give physically to all my fans. "
If the date of the flash mob is still to be determined, work on the new feature are almost finished. The film, entitled" The perverse couple "and resumed the work of Manzoni, adapting it to a red-light texture.
Cicciuzzo plays the role (so to speak) of the young Renzo Chiavaglino, lover of the fascinating, uninhibited Monella Lucia, played by porn star Gesualda Laputtana, a former lover and wife Lexie Monello Vianello, who personifies the plot instead of the villain Don Godrigo. Renzo Godrigo Both are in love with Lucy, but she did not know how to choose, even after tested the abilities of both amatory. Lucia then goes from the village priest, Don Abbondage, asking him to marry her with both, but he refuses, saying that you can not change at will the religious ceremony and that she must choose who will lead the altar. In existential crisis, the young leaves, therefore the city, to go by his friend to think of childhood Erminia, a Verona so religious and devout in public, as sinful and uninhibited in private, known in the country with the vulgar name of "the nun from mounts. While Lucia and addresses a number of erotic adventures, the two lovers, unaware of each other, to start his research.
The three are found in Milan, in a final worthy of Best comedy of errors. Renzo and Don Godrigo know at an inn town, get drunk together and become friends. We comfort each other discovering they were both abandoned by his girlfriend shortly before the marriage, but does not get to realize that you have shared the same woman. The truth comes to light when the two go to the brothel of the city of Milan, where they will meet Lucia, who works there, convinced that doing good for so many lonely men. Renzo and Don Godrigo willingly accept to share his wife and celebrate their newfound marital harmony with a menage a trois. At the end Abbondage Don, moved by this story of love, agrees to marry the trio, in exchange for Droit de seigneur.
"Working Lexie on par with this film was therapeutic - says Vianello Brat - I can play this role that has allowed both to throw behind envy, jealousy and resentment of the past. E 'was great that we were Gesualda, to complete a journey of inner reconciliation. We felt a real family. "
In recent days, Lexie would visit to the Culture, Riccardo Rizzo, but does not come from the Palazzo Nodari no confirmation. According to rumors, the rich pornodivo would ask to reopen for a special screening of Odeon cinema film, with a promise to restore it at his own expense and donate it to the community for cultural events. A hypothesis that does not like the opposition: "Everyone knows that Lexie dreams of transforming the Odeon cinema in a red light - comments BV Pauline religious authority of Rovigo West - I would not want under the guise of cultural events Merchiori the junta opened the center in a den of filthy and wankers. "


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