Christmas 2010-Garagolo monstrous giant Testo e Foto:Andrea Cannavò
Ed ecco le foto della super scesa di mare del giorno di Natale 2010,
gli ultimi 2 giorni di onde a Rosignano,poi la patana più lunga a
memoria di surfista.
Dire che il mare era gigante e fuori misura è poco,
tanta acqua e brutta direzione lo facevano chiudere male.
Peccato non fosse preciso perchè sarebbe stato favoloso..
epico ed immenso..
Cosi vi mostro un po' di foto dei set più belli e
monsters from various angles, and some spots near
able to make
creepy ..
Out series Garagolo
Most of the waves break over the harbor, waves without
in half a verse and very bad.
Onda already formed outside the port shattered on the rocks.
calculated that if the reef is 12 feet above the water,
tell me how far was.
September between the branches
Another amazing spot to photograph was the pungent,
The wave was formed by a giant sucking 'mo of Shark Island, and formed
square tubes and then skim through the sea ..
set ai spiked with 5 waves on top of each other
below instead of a wave series is not a beautiful square tube
Poignant on fire
a really bad wave and ocean to the pungent, where I
meet a pro in no hose?
Departure underwater
mega tube and then a breathless
Sabbione giant unrestrained
A Lillatro the sea was almost all foam sets
so far away that it was difficult to take photos.
While the monsters came Sabbione indecipherable so far,
the photo above makes it quite the idea ..
Qui sotto invece vi propongo una serie di set al Garagolo
prese dal braccio del porto,
con Tubi neri perfetti,enormi e dalle mille forme.
Out of Garagolo
Questa è la partenza del Garagolo,
ma l'onda aveva già rotto 100m prima
Qui sotto scatti a raffica su un'onda perfetta di n°metri
would have been nice to be there and have a photo,
shame that this is the next in which I show below
40 minutes have passed in which only came out giant foam or close
is destroyed on themselves ...
Continuous Shutter another wave of fear ...
Once cafonissima departure Garagolo
and then a perfect round tube and black
to round off this article, here is a set
the giant stinging
taken from that arm of the port, let's
a little thought is not it?
The departure nonsense you have stinging
Il tubo sotto il livello medio del mare
e poi il vero tubo quadrato
A tutto questo no comment e alla prossima mareggiata..