Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Camera Inside A Uterus

Christmas 2010-Garagolo monstrous giant

Testo e Foto:Andrea Cannavò

Ed ecco le foto della super scesa di mare del giorno di Natale 2010,
gli ultimi 2 giorni di onde a Rosignano,poi la patana più lunga a 
memoria di surfista.
Dire che il mare era gigante e fuori misura è poco,
tanta acqua e brutta direzione lo facevano chiudere male.


Peccato non fosse preciso perchè sarebbe stato favoloso..
epico ed immenso..
Cosi vi mostro un po' di foto dei set più belli e 
monsters from various angles, and some spots near
able to make
creepy ..

Out series Garagolo

Most of the waves break over the harbor, waves without
in half a verse and very bad.

Onda already formed outside the port shattered on the rocks.

calculated that if the reef is 12 feet above the water,
tell me how far was.
September between the branches

Another amazing spot to photograph was the pungent,
The wave was formed by a giant sucking 'mo of Shark Island, and formed
square tubes and then skim through the sea ..

set ai spiked with 5 waves on top of each other

below instead of a wave series is not a beautiful square tube

Poignant on fire

a really bad wave and ocean to the pungent, where I
meet a pro in no hose?

Departure underwater
mega tube and then a breathless

Sabbione giant unrestrained

A Lillatro the sea was almost all foam sets
so far away that it was difficult to take photos.
While the monsters came Sabbione indecipherable so far,
the photo above makes it quite the idea ..

Qui sotto invece vi propongo una serie di set al Garagolo
prese dal braccio del porto,
con Tubi neri perfetti,enormi e dalle mille forme.

Out of Garagolo

Questa è la partenza del Garagolo,
ma l'onda aveva già rotto 100m prima

Qui sotto scatti a raffica su un'onda perfetta di n°metri


would have been nice to be there and have a photo,
shame that this is the next in which I show below
40 minutes have passed in which only came out giant foam or close
is destroyed on themselves ...

Continuous Shutter another wave of fear ...


Once cafonissima departure Garagolo

and then a perfect round tube and black

to round off this article, here is a set
the giant stinging
taken from that arm of the port, let's
a little thought is not it?

The departure nonsense you have stinging

Il tubo sotto il livello medio del mare

e poi il vero tubo quadrato

A tutto questo no comment e alla prossima mareggiata..

75ah Battery How Long At 24 Watts


Attività intensa, per quanto riguarda il calcio giovanile, impegnato su diversi fronti. Come vi abbiamo portato a conoscenza tramite i nostri post, sono cominciati anche i tornei di Calcio a 5 Allievi e Giovanissimi. Le nostre compagini, in questo ambito, si stanno ben comportando, ed entrambe ad oggi, rispettando i pronostici della vigilia, hanno conseguito soltanto vittorie, le ultime, gli Allievi l'hanno coseguita contro la Juventus Rocca Bianca, mentre i Giovanissimi, nel recupero con la Sikania Capo d'Orlando. Sempre per quanto riguardi questi tornei, si è giunti al giro di boa, dove ovviamente, le sostre squadre detengono la leadership delle classifiche. Lunedi, comincia il girone di ritorno, gli Allievi alle 18.00 saranno di scena Fresine against the same age of Tortorici, the calendar provides for young people's derby against Sikania Capo d'Orlando. Turning to football at 11, now the race is vital, as it is for Travis and his friends, that if they continue to nourish the hope of winning the championship, will have to collect the booty full nell'insidiosissima transfer of Mistretta. Turning to the regional categories, the clash of the titans that provides the timing for the students, that tomorrow afternoon at Cutter, beginning at 15.30, you will play a good chunk of the season, against New Renaissance Patti. The next day instead, but this time having a day of holiday due to the 150 'anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the Young, to 10.30 deal with future Brolo. As for future engagements, Saturday home match for 19 new students who will host the Great Bear Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe next day, travel for young people on the ground of Gi.Fra.Milazzo

In the picture an eleven holder of the Students Regional

Monday, March 14, 2011

Prayer Of The Faithful Wedding Examples

MORE 'could not be done

no point in hiding any more than did the S. Agata, yesterday, it was impossible to do. However, Mr. Bongiovanni, during the last week, tried to load the environment, seeking maximum points in the remaining matches, he was and is aware of the structural limits tecnici e caratteriali del proprio gruppo. Ovviamente un tecnico, chiede sempre il massimo ai suoi ragazzi, quel massimo, che ieri Patti e compagni hanno dato. D'altra parte, è arrivata una sconfitta sul terreno della vice capolista Due Torri, che non veleggia nelle alte sfere della classifica per caso. I rimpianti, per vari punti persi, dovrebbero essere legati ad altri match, ma sicuramente, non a quello di ieri. Certo, preoccupa il fatto, che la squadra nonostante in settimana abbia provato e riprovato alcune situazioni, continua a prendere gol su palla inattiva. Purtroppo, questa è diventata una costante, che sta contrassegnando in nostro campionato in negativo. Anche contro il Due Torri, pronti via, e come di consueto, Russo, con la difesa schierata, ha trovato il modo e lo spazio, per battere Monastra ed incanalare subito la partita per la sua squadra sui giusti binari. Come dicevamo, il S.Agata, ha fatto quanto era nelle proprie possibilità, ma ovviamente per avere la meglio su un Due Torri, voglioso di riscattare la sconfitta di Capo d'Orlando r tenere in vita la fiammella della speranza, ci voleva ben altro. Poi quando sul finire di prima frazione, è anche arrivato il primo dei due gol di Tindaro Calabrese, la gara virtualmente si è chiusa. Il Due Torri, nei secondi 45 minuti, ha tirato un po i remi in barca, il S.Agata dal canto suo, ha continuato la sua onesta partita, ed ha trovato la rete della bandiera, su autorete di Russo. Nonostante la sconfitta, nessuno fa drammi, we knew that to win Gliaca was titanic undertaking. Our guys, we have tried, but did not succeed. Certainly a bit of regret because there is also looking at other results, a possible victory, would have shown only 3 points from Kamarat and 4 from Castellammare, that few will be on show at Sunday Fresine. Now try to achieve the goal of the contest play out at home, becomes a chimera, but one thing is certain, as we did yesterday in Gliaca Piraino, no one will review and give their utmost to achieve this goal.

Pictured goalkeeper Gabriel Monastra

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Confidentiality Clause For Surveys

Cantando s'impara...la storia

engaged in research on the legends of ancient Rome, some pupils of the fifth found this nice song Zecchino d'Oro on 'Geese of the Capitol. "

This is one of the most famous legends is linked to the siege of Rome by the people of the Gauls. The story takes place on Capitol Hill, where stood the temple of Juno, who lived at the geese sacred to the goddess. The Romans, Gauls besieged for a long time, began to starve, they were tempted by the desire to kill the geese that roamed freely on the Capitol, but did not dare do it because These sacred. Marco Manlio
One night, a soldier who was sleeping at the temple of Juno, he heard the squawking geese, he got up and ran to the walls of the fortress. Collided with a cock that along with the others were climbing the rock, he faced the first and snatched his fingers. Meanwhile, the geese continued to squawk and woke up so that the whole army rushed to give a hand to Marco Manlio.
The Gauls, thanks to the alarm given by the geese, were defeated.

If you want on the site you can find it Filastrocche.it the text and also try to sing Karaoke or with the base.

How Long Should Veriface


interview with Maureen Cardarelli site FIBS Victor Pino

The BSC Legnano AMGA prepared the pre-season schedule
The girls will compete with Kyle Bloodworth Saronno, La Loggia and Collecchio. The considerations of the President Pino on a season full of new and challenging

The BSC Legnano AMGA program defines the pre-season friendlies ahead of the March 26 debut in the league in Nuoro. The girls of President Victor Pino will play March 19 at Peppino Colombo with Saronno (to 14) and the Lodge (at 16) and March 20 from 11.30 two more games against the Collecchio. Four tests that will tell the truth about the conditions della formazione guidata da Kyle Blooworth.

"L'esordio - dice il presidente Vittorio Pino - sarà difficile contro una squadra da sempre ostica e che si è rinforzata per disputare un torneo da protagonista. Le squadre che disputano l'Italian softball league 2011 si sono notevolmente rinforzate e questo sarà buon motivo per una stagione sempre difficile che si presenta molto interessante sotto il profilo tecnico. Sarà anche un torneo denso di novità come l'aumento obbligatorio delle giocatrici Asi sempre in campo e la conseguente riduzione delle straniere; la liberalizzazione dell'impiego della lanciatrice straniera nelle due gare e via. Un blocco di novità che ha la presunzione di rilanciare il softball italiano e conseguentemente the national team reached the crossroad of renewal for a reason partly generational. In fact right now there is a shortage of players who could possibly be used in the top flight. E 'is our opinion that at a time like this lack of players prepared to set A1, and then needing a quality growth that the limitation of foreign players in school could be a boomerang. It is true that with the implementation of a self-sufficient you will be able to achieve the growth objectives of a numerical and qualitative growth of the movement of our national softball. We believe that the placing of Italian companies in the roster of foreign players in absolute value would certainly miglioramneto is the quality that the attraction of many athletes to increase even quantity.

"The BscLegnano Amga team, full range - underscores the company's chief executive red and white - with the arrival of the Australian, Lana Tye , recently listed in the Australian under-21 national team and Chinese Yu Hui Dong Hui Li and You, working around the clock to find the form needed to address the first races of the season. Team that essentially retains the plant last year but also has important news to the orders of Manager Bloodworth who is forced to find important new equilibrium can not count, at least for the first part on the caliber of players Judd, Yancin, Long-Droppert, Panepinto reason that those who study work will come to the wood during the season. Moreover, the return of Daniel Castellani, in great form, will give substance, experience and confidence to the Italian platform. Castellani, could be the best signing this season's team Legnanese when compared to the new rule whereby the role of foreign pitcher this year is used in race one and race two. The AMGA BscLegnano, on paper, presents a more homogeneous group and strengthened over the last year both in attack and defense. The elongation of the roster with names pluriruoli and quality will allow a better management strategy of the game. Even the inclusion of young players will allow for the possibility of joint training with more variations in the field by allowing players to rest periods in order to maintain a high overall value to the end of the season. Finally, the introduction of a new Hector Rodriguez as coach and physio Stefann Frassine, elements of absolute value, in the organization's technical company will increase the value of training the red and white. The test will come with the dispute friendly matches planned which will highlight the current status of the group. The team's morale is very high. The new arrivals have been brilliantly incorporated.

SITE BY FIBS - 13 MAR 2011

Harborbreeze Fan Parts


Castellammare - Ribera 1-1
Villabate - Sancataldese 1-5
Two Towers - S. Agata
Folgore 3-1 - 1-0 Casteldaccia
Leopard - Akragas
Kamarat 0-1 - 0-3 Parmonval
Orlandina - Licata 0-0
Valderice - Alcamo 3 -1

Two Towers 66 58 46
Ribera - Alcamo
Orlandina 45 39 38
Sancataldese 37 35 33
Kamarat 31 30 24
S. Agata
Casteldaccia 23 Leopard 15

Villabate 3

Gpsphone Cheats Pokemon Firered

Luca Canigiani by secret

Finalmente anche i nostri atleti mi mandano 
un po' di foto fatte da amici o da riprese..

Oggi dunque vi presento Luca Canigiani con un bel
reportage di onde in prone e dropknee,
alcune durante i suoi viaggi all'estero altre in casa..


Backflip Luke in the Mushroom .. Photo: Eleanor Land

Luca bomb Smurf to the box .. Photo Frames

Luca Take off to the Big Smurf-Photo Frame

Luca Smurf-start the photo frame

Luca nice Smurf Photos from the tube-frame

From then on picture best quality ...

Luca Bali-picture Eleanor Land

Some beautiful photos taken by Francesco Salvadori this fall to Scoglietto

Luke slash drop in the Scoglietto-Photo: Francesco Salvadori

Luke start to drop in Scoglietto-Photo: Francesco Salvadori

Luca Scoglietto the drop-Photo: Francesco Salvadori

Luke slash in the drop-Scoglietto Photo: Francesco Salvadori

Finally photos of Bali in October made by Alessandro Lulli ..

Luca nice Take-off in Bali Photo: Alessandro Lulli

Luke slash drop-Bali Photo: Alessandro Lulli

Luca nice floater in Bali to drop-Photo: Alessandro Lulli

Luca nice pipe drop-in Bali Photo: Alessandro Lulli

In the next article a big thank you to our photographers
they send us these beautiful pictures ..

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Black Floating Particles In Urine

E' tempo di considerazioni

It 'time to consider The AMGA
BscLegnano team defines the program pre-season friendlies ahead of the March 26 debut in Nuoro for the first championship. Difficult debut away at that Nuoro team always tricky and it is reinforced to play in a league of the first row. The grapevine reports that all the teams that compete for the ISL Softball Championship Series A1 2011 have significantly strengthened and this will be good reason to always difficult for a championship is very interesting from a technical perspective. It will also be a league full of new players such as increased binding of ASI (Italian) always in the field, and the reduction of the foreign field, the liberalization of the use of foreign pitcher in the two races and on. A block of innovations that have the presumption to relaunch the Italian Softball and consequently the national team reached the crossroads of almost total renovation for a reason partly generational. In fact right now there is a shortage of players who could possibly be used in the top flight. E 'is our opinion that at a time like this lack of players prepared to set A1, and then needing a quality growth that the limitation of foreign players in school could be a boomerang. It is true that with the implementation of a self-sufficient you will be able to achieve the growth objectives of a numerical and qualitative growth of the movement of our national softball. We believe that the placing of Italian companies in the roster of foreign players would surely be the absolute value of quality miglioramneto that the attraction of many athletes to increase even quantity. The AMGA
BscLegnano team, full range, with the arrival of the Australian, Lana Tye, recently listed in the Australian under-21 national team and Chinese Yu Hui Dong Hui Li and You, working around the clock to find the necessary form for deal with the first races of the championship. Team that essentially retains the plant last year but also has important news to the orders of Manager Bloodworth who is forced to find important new equilibrium can not count, at least for the first part on the caliber of players Judd, Yancin, Long-Droppert, Panepinto reason that those who study work will come to the wood during the season. Moreover, the return of Daniel Castellani, in great form, will give substance, experience and confidence to the Italian platform. Castellani, could be the best signing this season's team Legnanese when compared to the new rule whereby the role of foreign pitcher this year is used in race one and race two. The AMGA
BscLegnano team, on paper, presents a more homogeneous group and strengthened over the last year both in attack and defense. The elongation of the roster with names pluriruoli and quality will enable better management of strategia del gioco. Anche l'inserimento di giocatrici giovani non potrà che consentire la possibilità di articolare con più variazioni la formazione in campo anche consentendo turni di riposo alle giocatrici onde mantenere alto il valore complessivo sino alla fine della stagione agonistica.
Da ultimo l'inserimento di un nuovo coach come Hector Rodriguez e del fisio Stefanno Frassine, elementi di assoluto valore, nell'organigramma tecnico della società dovrebbe aumentare il valore della formazione bianco-rossa. Il banco di prova si avrà con la disputa delle amichevoli programmate che evidenzieranno lo stato attuale del gruppo. Il morale della squadra è altissimo. I nuovi arrivi si sono brillantemente inseriti. Ora la parola al campo ben sapendo that there is still sufficient time to remedy any shortfall in technical / tactical or play and the finish just to complete the necessary work done on the field because of severe weather conditions.
Program March 19 - Field Peppino Colombo: 14.00 BscLegnano asd - Soft.Saronno; 16.00 BscLegnano asd .- Soft. Madige La Loggia;
March 20 - Field Peppino Colombo: 11.30 BscLegnano asd - Soft.Collecchio, followed by race 2. PRESS OFFICE
BSC Legnano ASD