As mentioned in other previous posts, that of tomorrow, is a vital crossroads of the season. The challenge against Akragas, will tell us whether the food we still hope to hit the play out at home, or should we prepare ourselves psychologically to play in away from Fresine. The margin that separates the two teams is currently 6 lengths, the goal is to hit the booty full, but at worst game then all is not lost and the remaining 5 games. The St. Agatha, but this is not a mystery, from the numerical point of view, does not come into this game very well. In addition to the injured long-time Regina and Joseph Nocifora Calogero, last week, was added, the departure of Frank Moss. Mr. Bongiovanni then counted and the men's game force, has to revolutionize the team again. Prattella in all probability, will migrate along the line of central defenders to act as captain with the Queen, who fortunately has responded to this call. Aiello, in turn, will be moved to the left lane, and right in place of Moss, should act Travaglia. By virtue of dell'arretrameno Prattella, Carbonetto willingly or painful, must adapt to serve as a screen in front of the defense along with Daniel Patterson, while on the outside, with gusts of space and one of Maurice Anthony Naro Naro and Milia. Finally, as regards the attack, it should start again from the bench Cannistraci Antonio, and then space to Maranda tandem boat, with the latter arrived already at 11 goals
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