Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Is Cost Of Black Truffle

Again grnadi problems accompanying S. Agata on the eve of the derby against the Twin Towers. As we have repeatedly pointed out, the staff reduced to a minimum, due to various problems, has suffered further losses. Unwilling to mention the long-running away, for today, in all probability, as well as Anthony Naro disqualified, Mr. Bongiovanni, will be without Diluca Regina Case work purposes. If the captain biancoazzurro, fail respond to this appeal, the trouble for St. Agatha, would be even greater, against a team, eager to redeem immediately KO than seven days ago by dell'Orlandina remedied. Assuming the almost certain absence of Regina, as has often happened in the course of this season will be Stephen Prattella, to be back on the line of defenders, and to act as a plant with Aiello that causes a form of bronchitis (the same is true for Cannistraci and Maranda), this week, he trained only on Friday. Also with regard to the defense, on the outside, move left and Travis boat, willingly or not (it is not the role he prefers) to the right. With the retreat of Prattella, in the middle to act as a screen in front of the defense, as well as Patti, should find a place the young Gianluca Galatians that in Agrigento played a good game. Anthony Naro disqualified as mentioned earlier, his place could be occupied by Milia, while on the opposite side, space Carbonetto, who has recovered from injury. The task of offending, will then be entrusted to the duo Maranda - Mauritius Naro. Regarding Cannistraci, should start on the bench, and it would be the only senior among other things, being that the bill will be completed with many young people.


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