Gargoile epico-Foto: Francesco Salvadori
Testo: Andrea Cannavò
Foto: Francesco Salvadori
Rider: Antonio Tiso, Mirko Palmentieri, Andrea Cannavò,
Filippo Eschiti, Andrea Nacci, Giacomo Vannucci
Altri bei ricordi di un'autunno di continue onde non epiche,apparte un giorno o due,
ma belle anche se spesso tra pioggia e nuvole,
ma almeno c'erano no?
Queste che vi propongo sono le più belle foto che mi ha dato
Francesco Salvadori
whom I apologize for the delay with which I have published, but
not happen again.
now the computer goes and I'll be here more often,
wave here also because you have never seen.
In this article, we are a bit 'of riders and waves Rosignanina,
Enjoy it while awaiting the spring ..
barrel roll to the Wall
Nacci slash the Wall
Canna slash drop The Wall
the Wall (looks like a bomb, right?)
Canna casque to the Wall
casque Reed left in the Wall
Canna Reverse the Killer
Reed Rollo at Killer
Barrel floater to Killer
Reed Rollo at Killer
Below is the only day of almost epic Garagolo,
that of the photo that opens this article here the best shots of the day,
as always a good and thanks to Francis.
Vannucci to slash Garagolo
Nacci backside to Garagolo
Philip Eschiti without slash
Eschiti slash against the
Eschiti power
Canna slash drop
Vannucci bel'off the lip after a
Mirko Palmer in the tube
Antonio Tiso in the Tube replied
Canna speed
Alessandro Barile in the moment
Vannucci slash
Tisone speed
the attacks and then ....
fly fly Mirko flies, beautiful Invert
rod tube
Tisone super bomb
Tisone super bomb but with the body of Mirko
Barrel floater Grabb
Tisone ARS super beautiful ..
Vannucci Cut back
Nacci tube in ....
Nacci Inside ... the tube
Sempre più inside il Nacci
Vannucci Rientry
Nacci ancora inside
Vannucci prova ad imitarlo
....e alla fine ce la fa
Alle prossime belle foto...
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