The last of cicciuzziani
cicciuzziani The plan to invade the planet Earth seems to have failed before it began. And 'what emerges from the wiretaps collected by the instruments of the Echelon network and published the other day on the New York Times .
shocking revelations, taken up only by the Italian press today: "The we had - said Ezio Mauro, editor of Republic - but we decided to launch a new campaign against the moralist bunga bunga , in which we invite our readers outraged to photograph the ass with a sign that reads: I have no ass flaccid.
The intercepts show the messages sent to the planet Cicciuzzo commander of the starship, the captain Sybok, with which cicciuzziani came to our solar sisema: "I was just me and I also finished gems iridium needed to power the motor the ship. Our mission has failed, say hello to my wife and eight hundred and twelve children. " According to the reconstructions, the residents of Lexie meditated on Earth to accomplish what has been done on other planets: land, devouring large quantities of live organisms to survive and reproduce in an uncontrolled way and then, to replace all existing forms of life, then head uncontaminated to other planets. However, the crew of Sybok commander had miscalculated the length of the journey, as he reveals in a statement: "For years there was no light that rocky planets, lacking any form of life. To survive, we started to eat our children, but not never enough. In the end we devoured between us no more control. The saddest day was when, seeing nothing but horizon moons and desolate gaseous clusters, I lost all hope and I ate my mate, the boatswain Uhura. " Sybok
Left alone to masturbate and die of starvation, the plan to invade Earth and repopulate it with cicciuzziani failed miserably. The last message arrived from the distant planet Lexie leaves no hope: "We have not astronavi per mandarti rinforzi e anche qui i viveri iniziano a scarseggiare. Il tuo fallimento condanna a morte il nostro pianeta, idiota". Si conclude così il destino dei cicciuzziani, che tanti danni avevano inflitto a numerose galassie.
Appresa la notizia, il comandante Purrr, alieno del pianeta Mia o, giunto sulla Terra per avvisare del pericolo, commenta prudentemente: "Sono lieto che i maledetti cicciuzziani si estinguano per sempre, ma non abbassiamo la guardia. Da ore il mio vicecomandante si passa l'orecchia e questo è un segnale estremamente negativo per il futuro".
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