Friday, February 11, 2011

Rc Flipping Headlights

"My name is purrr, I come from the planet Miao. Bring by your leaders and bring a pound of dog food."
With these words, the record saw the first alien landing in broad daylight in Rovigo. Things never seen before. It was known that in Rovigo hide from time many alien factions, particularly the reptilians, grays, and the inhabitants of the planet Chulak, but none of them had openly, preferring to operate in the shadows of the extraterrestrial races politics, ' economy and even the Freemasons Pula. An entirely different level, however, the mission to purrr, arrived in our galaxy to the edge of a huge interstellar spaceship and fell in the center of Rovigo with a kind of Apollo capsule. Purrr was received with full honors by the mayor, Fausto Merchiori, who wanted to know his dramatic personal story: "I'm Colonel purrr, Navy stellar Miao, the most advanced in the world che voi chiamate Galassia Sombrero. Eravamo un popolo sereno e pacifico, finchè dal vostro sistema solare non hanno iniziato ad arrivare strane cose. Prima, quell'esplosione mai vista, che ha creato una nuova stella in cielo. Poi quelle orribili forme di vita..."

Qui, racconta la cronaca, la voce del colonnello Purrr si è rotta. Solo dopo che il sindaco Merchiori ha preso a grattarlo dietro un orecchio, il viaggiatore intergalattico è riuscito a completare il racconto, consentendo di ricostruire la terribile vicenda. I poveri abitanti del pianeta Miao sono infatti rimasti vittime delle imprevedibili conseguenze dell'esplosione del cadavere di Cicciuzzo Sconciaforni nei pressi della loro galassia. Come tutti sanno, la birth of a star, for the implosion of gas from decomposition of the corpse of pornodivo (which came to life, but that's another story), has generated life on a nearby planet, dubbed Planet Cicciuzzo . From there, however, life was soon joined other solar systems, wiping out every living thing in its path. "Those horrid aliens obese arrived aboard a strange ship of land bill - says the colonel purrr meowing - They started to eat whatever they found." The first to make the costs of the voracity of the aliens with the DNA of Lexie, however, were its devotees cicciuzziani arrived on the planet in the wake of Nathaniel Pierpont Morgan . It appears that extraterrestrials if they are eating, and then steal their spaceship that they had begun to scour the universe. Escaped the devastation, however, some Miao people on the planet, led by purrr are realized on Earth, using a warp drive space.
But what is the mission of Colonel purrr? "We prefer not to reveal details for the moment - said the mayor, Fausto Merchiori - The situation should be analyzed calmly, without creating unnecessary alarm. In the coming days we will fix a date for a table at the Prefecture with the province, the police and agencies staff who handle law and order. purrr The colonel and his men will be our guests until the situation is clarified. We have already asked for volunteers to help us find the cattery accommodation suitable to their habits and customs ".


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