Monday, February 21, 2011

Rate Of Respiration In Reptiles Vs. Mammals

clone Gesualda!

We can relax for a moment, that now comes a deluge of news shocks once again shattered the placid everyday Rovigo.
Yesterday, in fact, has run surrendered to police a woman who has presented himself as a clone of pornodiva Gesualda Laputtana, revealing a chilling truth: "The captain Sybok, the last survivor of cicciuzziani, took possession the secret laboratory in which Henry Clerval signed and gave birth to the clones and Lexie Sconciaforni Monello Vianello. We have done just in time to escape before the base and conquer the alien takes over the plans to create zombies superdinosauri which dominate humanity. "

Clerval Henry, assistant professor of crowds. Gaio Barfowskji, had created clones of Lexie and Vianello Monello to cross the their genetic makeup with that of the dinosaurs, zombies. more mysterious why would Gesualda regenerated, which also came with a visible physical imperfection, as shown by photos. "I have sent a false letter from Panama, where I argued that Vianello Monello era con me. Abbiamo fatto tutto questo per creare confusione e sviare l'opinione pubblica con notizie farlocche, buttate lì un po' alla cazzo di cane", spiega il clone della pornodiva.
Inquietanti le rivelazioni che la donna ha voluto condividere con le forze dell'ordine: "Ho chiesto che il colonnello Purrr, dell'armata galattica del pianeta Miao, sia messo al corrente di quanto ho potuto vedere - continua la donna - A tarda notte un'astronave scassata è scesa a grande velocità dalla stratosfera, piombando nell'eliporto della nostra base. Ne è uscito un ciccione ripugnante, dall'aspetto umanoide, che ha iniziato ad esplorare la zona con strane attrezzature piene di spie che facevano bip. Poi è successo quello che è
success ...." According to the story of porn cloned, then copying Vianello Brat took the initiative to meet all'extraterrestre cordinalmente to welcome it into the base, accompanying his greeting with one of the many jokes about the dismal Ufo. A decision that had tragic consequences: Sybok, exhausted from hunger endured the long journey, he quickly grasped how to swallow and eat a piece of sushi. Given the fate of their comrade, the other occupants have fled with a helicopter service: while Clerval Barfowskji and ended up in the hands of the Americans, there has been no news of a clone of Lexie. But the real tragedy is that for the third consecutive time in a few weeks humanity could be erased by a conspiracy of global dimensions.
"I thank the Gesualda for the valuable testimony - said Colonel purrr - Me and my soldiers are ready to give their lives to defeat the last Lexie and his grotesque army of prehistoric creatures. However, the next week will not be participating in the planning table Province, because frankly we broke my dick. We were invited to Caracas for a summit with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who intends to contribute its forces to the creation of a Popular Front for the Liberation of Humanity ".


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