Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Light Brown Spotting After Intercourse

Barrel: The Patana on Ligure longest in memory of surfer

Si questo è un ricordo delle onde novembrine,belle e quasi giornaliere,poi il gran finale con il botto tra Natale e S.Stefano Scaduta fuori misura e scesa il giorno dopo indimenticabile e poi?
cos'è successo?
Arriva prima il freddo poi un blocco anticiclonico africano che si lega con quello delle azzorre,torna un po' di caldo fuori stagione.
Poi ancora sereno con l'influsso dell'anticiclone russo,non piove ne nevica.
Giunti a febbraio e passati i cosidetti giorni della merla che dovrebbero essere the coldest and is expected to return, but again the Azores and back stable door warm mist (warm winter course) the lack of snow melt, but even a beak on the Ligurian waves ..
Patana This is the longest I've ever seen when I take the data in 2002 .. The last 45-day break between March and April of 1998 or the 56 days between September and October, we are now 54 points and tomorrow it will not seem as if we get to 55 and maybe if we make the 19 to new record of Patan on Ligure.

But what caused all this? After a very cold December
now a rather strange time for winter? And the weather seems
gia che sia fine marzo dove si alternano perturbazioni fredde a ondate calde..
Le ragioni sono tante,ma solo ipotesi come sempre in metereologia,e ve le racconterò in un'altro articolo...

Ma veniamo alle previsioni per i prossimi giorni,annunciando che c'è poca roba buona,e che la speranza è che qualcosa cambi le previsioni a nostro favore,il maltempo ci sarà ma le onde saranno solo verso centrosud e isole...

Per Domani Giovedi 17 piccole onde su basso Ligure,Da Carrara Fino a Rosignano,di scesa sul mezzo metro e periodo bassissimo.
Anche nel Tirreno settentrionale potrebberò arrivare onde sul metro nel pomeriggio.
25% probability waves

Friday 18 and Saturday 19
Here are some more likely, but certainly nothing eccezionale.Gia and the morning of Friday, the mistral blows up the Gulf of Lions Sicily and here we will order from 2 to 4 meters.
While on a 1.5 m ventosetto Tyrrhenian Calabria. On
Ligure is the probability that at lunch time comes a little 'wave up to a meter and a half down on the coast of Livorno in the afternoon while in both Rosignano that further north up to the waves will be on Chiavari meter low
55% probability waves

for Saturday but probably half meters infrequent and uncertain Ligure, which could reach one meter in the best spot to set down from a distance.
While one expects Scadutona Bella Sardinia and Sicily, and a bit 'too Tyrrhenian Calabria

As we see from the map above another chance fell to the sea on the Ligurian Sea on 22-23 February to be confirmed in intensity and size, but much more certain to Sardinia and Sicily.
40% probability waves

Then we see how the cards will arrive cold air from Siberia that will create a Bassapressione Between Sicily and Sardinia to move east, this will bring strong winds from the Northeast on almost all of Italy, except
South of Sicily and Ionian Sea, where strong winds blow from SW WCON-related storm surges

The bottom line is that then the cold will go away and leave only a trail on the Adriatic but still nothing on the Ligurian Sea in order ... only way you change something, even if all models are for now in this direction or that bassapressione that you see on the left side of the paper, breaking the pressure and bring us a bit 'of Atlantic ondifero ...

Weather Greetings from your rod.


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