Monday, February 7, 2011

Reommendation Letter For A Hair Stylist

Right of reply Corso del Popolo

public and I get a disturbing letter from North Korea , signed by my brother Vianello Monello (pictured with his wife, the pornodiva Gesualda Laputtana ). Polesine The polemicist writes to point out that the news of his participation in the film Cicciuzzo Sonciaforni "The perverse couple" is totally unfounded and offensive. It happens: in order to keep this blog alive, by the time we publish the most horrid crap without even take the trouble to verify them, so any correction allows us to fill your day effortlessly. Question remains open: Lexie lied or an impostor has replaced once true to Vianello Brat?

categorically denies my participation in pornographic films with that dirty of disgusting fat Cicciuzzo Sconciaforni and, least of all, it's true involvement on the set of Mrs. Gesualda Laputtana. And then, gang of idiots, you think that a man of natural elegance like myself can be transformed overnight into a nerd, what's more with a hairstyle popular among the waiters of the pizzerias in the country?
E 'is quite clear that they are impostors, paid to discredit and bring down a thick veil of misinformation regarding our firm commitment to building the original model of socialist Korea, based on the great Juche idea.
The undersigned, as a religious and Pongsu pastor of the church in Pyongyang, and Mrs. Laputtana activist associations for the reunification and the inter-Korean dialogue, do not lend themselves to such misinformation and reject the political model, moral, human slavery offered by Sconciaforni that, for their own personal gain, do not hesitate to instigate the mob groped to cause harm to the democratic Korea.
If this fat man had a shred of conscience, should pentirsi per aver concorso a trasformare l'Italia in una terra dove i diritti umani non vengono rispettati e il bunga bunga viene prima del diritto al lavoro e alla giustizia sociale.
La signora Laputtana e io, assieme a dirigenti dei Ministeri e delle istituzioni nazionali della Corea democratica ci stiamo impegnando nei venerdì di lavoro volontario nelle campagne. Non giriamo film pornografici, ma aiutiamo i lavoratori delle fattorie nei distretti di Mangyongdae e Rakrang di Pyongyang. Tra loro erano presenti anche dirigenti del Presidium della Suprema Assemblea Popolare, il ministro dell’Industria Leggera, il ministro del Commercio estero ed il ministro dell’Agricoltura. Tutti hanno partecipato all’opera di concimazione dei campi.
The Central Committee of the League of Socialist Youth "Kim Il Sung, the Mansudae Art Studio, the Executive Office for the Greenhouse Industry of silk, along with heads of other executive positions, visited the farms and have participated in the activities of the work in the fields and helped to load the fertilizer into trucks. Thank you for the space that you will grant me.

Vianello Monello


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